Dry Needling
MDN treats muscle pain by needling trigger points to release tension and restore function. It is particularly effective for conditions involving muscular tightness and chronic pain, and it is commonly utilised as part of a broader physical therapy regimen.
What is Myofascial Dry Needling?
Dry needling is used for the treatment of muscle pain and dysfunction. This approach is based on Western anatomical and neuro-physiologic principles and is not to be confused with Chinese Acupuncture. MDN involves introducing fine, sterile acupuncture needles into “trigger points” of muscles. A trigger point (a knot in a muscle) is a hyperirritable spot within a muscle. Trigger points are tender on compression and can give rise to distinctive referred pain. Laser therapy or acupressure are good alternatives for clients who are needle-phobic.
What Can I expect with MDN treatment?

Myofascial Dry Needling (MDN) is a treatment that involves a thorough physical examination to target muscle sensitivity and tightness. The insertion of needles into normal muscles is generally painless, while tight, sensitised muscles may respond with a temporary cramping or aching sensation. This discomfort is often considered a 'positive pain' as it indicates the release of muscle tension, leading to relief and relaxation. MDN has been demonstrated to rapidly alleviate pain and improve muscle function, with effects potentially lasting up to 72 hours post-treatment. The technique is not limited to painful areas and can be applied to distant sites identified through diagnostic testing, which can lead to enhanced clinical outcomes. Research suggests that needle manipulation may also stimulate connective tissue, potentially promoting myofascial healing and remodeling.

How many treatments will I need?



The scheduling of Myofascial Dry Needling (MDN) treatments typically ranges from once a week to bi-weekly, allowing the body adequate time for self-healing between sessions. The total number of treatments needed varies based on factors such as the chronicity and severity of the condition, the presence of scar tissue, and the body's healing capacity. Acute pain may resolve after a few sessions, whereas more persistent issues may necessitate a longer course of therapy. The therapeutic benefits of MDN are cumulative, with each session contributing to the healing process until complete recovery is achieved. For optimal results, MDN is often integrated with other therapeutic modalities.

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